Pink Diamond Institute, NLP Training

Bridging the gap between
health & wellness practitioners and their clients

Are You a Passionate Health and Wellness Practitioner?

Driven to make a positive difference in the health and lives of your clients?

But maybe you’re struggling to make the impact you really want to – and your clients and practice are suffering as a result. 

The impact you make (or don’t make) starts and ends with the language you use. In fact, language is the catalyst for change in health. Learn how to use it effectively and efficiently – and everything changes. 

So, how do you unlock the key to next-level communication? With Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) – to help you change how you think, how you feel, how you behave, and how you communicate for vastly improved client outcomes.

Our expertise:

Happy Clients
Years in Education & Training
NLP Rooms
Katie Godden NLP Training for Health, Pink Diamond Institute

NLP for Health

What sets our NLP training apart?

The fact that it’s tailored specifically for health and wellness practitioners. 

Having lived with Type 1 Diabetes for 36 years, our Founder, Katie Godden, understands firsthand the impact of communication in a healthcare context. Combining her passion, lived experience, years of health science research, and education expertise, she purpose-built NLP training for health professionals – with transformative results.

Discover the tools and techniques to enhance your life, achieve your goals, and empower yourself through Neuro-Linguistic Programming. logo

Our certifications

We offer two NLP training certification levels depending on your existing NLP knowledge and goals. Both certifications include our exclusive 12-month Accelerator Implementation and Integration Program to ensure you use what you learn, embed it, and embody it!


strong client-practitioner relationships

empowered mindset & clients

enhanced communication skills


NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a ground-breaking communication methodology built on the connection between neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistic) and acquired behavioural patterns (programming), integrating and influencing all three to achieve specific goals in life. NLP builds effective communication between conscious and unconscious mental processes, producing fast and lasting results by improving cognitive and behavioural patterns.

Anyone can learn NLP to increase their personal and professional effectiveness by becoming an NLP Practitioner. By understanding and applying NLP tools, you can guide others to harness the tools themselves to empower many aspects of their lives including – you guessed it – their health.

Great question! As a driven health practitioner, you’re all about impact – and so are we. In fact, that’s why we’re so passionate about our programs. NLP delivers countless transformative benefits both personally and professionally. 

Professionally, it’s all about being able to build rapport fast, get your message through the first time with effective and efficient communication, and empower clients to take action to achieve awesome results. Of course, happy clients mean less churn, more referrals, and a growing practice. Your personal life benefits too with better communication building better relationships. 

For more of a breakdown on the benefits, check out our training programs.

Our training is always delivered through the lens of health and wellness because that’s our area of expertise and our passion. While most participants are health and wellness practitioners and professionals, we also welcome people from related industries like holistic wellbeing, mindset and performance coaching, etc.

Ready to unlock the key to client and practice outcomes like never before?

Katie Godden obligation Call

Our certifications:

Discover the Power of NLP!

Are you ready to make a profound change in your life and the lives of others? The secret lies in the language we use and how we connect with one another. Dive into the transformative world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and begin your journey towards true understanding and empowerment.

Download the Free NLP Info Pack today and take the first steps in weaving positive change into your life and the lives of those around you!

Words of love
